Online Classes
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Resourceful Practise Worksheets For LKG Classes Maths & English 5000+ Worksheets
Resourceful Practise Worksheets For LKG Classes Maths & English 5000+ Worksheets Learning is a progressive process where the progress is evaluated with certain parameters. Teachers and parents are very conscious in the initial years of the child’s schooling. The child needs proper time and effort to grasp certain concepts. When it comes to kindergarten or [...]
Readymade Worksheets for UKG Class English & Maths – Reading Eggs With Ratna Sagar
Readymade Worksheets for UKG Class English & Maths Worksheet For UKG : Students often confuses worksheets and activities with an extra burden of homework. The main purpose of inculcating worksheets in the school curriculum is not communicated properly to the students and parents. They are introduced as a modern approach to induce and instill creativity [...]
Some After-School Activity For Kids
Must try after-school Activity for kids After-school or extracurricular activities lay the foundation of the overall growth and development of the child. The child socialises and broadens his senses to know his surroundings in a better way. After a long day spent around books and schoolwork, the child requires to spend some time doing what [...]
Reading Eggs India with Ratna Sagar : India’s Top Online Learning Programme
India’s Top Online Learning Programme - Reading Eggs India with Ratna Sagar Ever wondered why learning the basics of the English language before beginning school should be a priority? Well, the school has designed their curriculum in a way that the child should have some prior knowledge to be academically successful. Digital media and platforms [...]
3500+ e-books For Children – Digital Storytelling with Reading Eggs
Online Stories for Kids - Enjoy 3500+ Children's Books Online for Free! Online or digital storytelling has been a crucial tool in adding a new flavour to the creativity of children. Initially, the classroom was no more than delivering lectures and writing notes on the blackboard. But times have changed and so has the demand [...]
Ways to make online learning more interactive
How to Make e-Learning More Interactive For Toddlers? Learning has to be interactive and creative. The child would hunt to finish the puzzle instead of writing on a piece of paper. In other words, the concepts are taught with a practical approach and engaging way, and students feel their importance in their daily life and [...]
What are the benefits of e-learning for Children (Online Classes)
What are the benefits of e-learning for Children (Online Classes) Not mere trends but eLearning platforms for students have come to rescue during the pandemic COVID-19 which has become a part of our everyday life. The students, teachers, and employees, all went remote for learning and working. Many schools and universities are adopting online platforms [...]
Where you can find Nursery Rhymes & Children Songs with Lyrics
Where can you find Nursery Rhymes & Children's Songs with Lyrics? Baa, baa black sheep Have you any wool Yes sir, yes sir Three bags full. One for my master And one for my dame And one for the little boy Who lives down the lane. -Baa Baa Black Sheep lyrics Are you still [...]
Top Activities to Improve Reading Comprehension Skills
Top Activities to Improve Reading Comprehension Top activities to develop reading comprehension in early readers Reading comprehension is a crucial skill of the English language. Even adults experience this issue with letters and sounds reading books for hours and are unable to recognise and understand the text. You may fluently read the written words but [...]
What are Sight Words? & Sight Words For Kindergarten (LKG & UKG)
What are Sight Words? & Sight Words For Kindergarten (LKG & UKG) Sight words are words that are seen and read in the text more often by kindergarteners. In simple terms, these are high-frequency words that the children catch up with at a fast pace. A fair share of 50-75% of the children’s textbooks contain […]