Online Classes
Blog For RE > Online Classes
Top Activities to Improve Reading Comprehension Skills
Top Activities to Improve Reading Comprehension Top activities to develop reading comprehension in early readers Reading comprehension is a crucial skill of the English language. Even adults experience this issue with letters and sounds reading books for hours and are unable to recognise and understand the text. You may fluently read the written words but [...]
What are Sight Words? & Sight Words For Kindergarten (LKG & UKG)
What are Sight Words? & Sight Words For Kindergarten (LKG & UKG) Sight words are words that are seen and read in the text more often by kindergarteners. In simple terms, these are high-frequency words that the children catch up with at a fast pace. A fair share of 50-75% of the children’s textbooks contain […]
Online learning at home for Foundational Skills for Pre-Nursery & Nursery
Nursery Online Classes Pre-Primary is now Foundational Stage as per National Education Policy, 2020. With an exhaustive focus on Foundational Literacy and Numeracy in an activity-based, gamified pedagogy, learning in the Pre-Nursery, Nursery, and kindergarten classes is no more memorizing. It is experiential learning that matters the most with exhaustive practice with high quality, visually […]