Download Printable Maths Worksheets For LKG Class

Download Printable Maths Worksheets For LKG Class

Mathematics is a core subject that begins with numbers and basic operations at the kindergarten level. All of us encounter and use maths in our everyday life. So, it becomes important to make the child familiar with the concepts. Maths enhance the logical reasoning and analytical skills of a child. Parents and teachers who are searching for a simple yet effective printable LKG maths worksheet should follow this article till the end. Maths worksheets for LKG class are a creative solution to keep the children engaged along with developing a habit of regular practice. LKG Worksheets for Maths have become a smart way to acquire the knowledge retained in the long run. Reading Eggs with Ratna Sagar provides a wholesome collection of lessons and worksheets for LKG classes which are age-appropriate, and designed in accordance with the syllabus and curriculum of CBSE, ICSE, and other state boards


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Our LKG maths worksheets are free to download and are available in PDF format. These worksheets have innovative questions which strengthen the basic mathematical skills of the child and help him apply the knowledge in real-time. With new tips and tricks, these LKG maths worksheets teach the concepts with fun-filled animated lessons and practice exercises. 

These printable LKG worksheets aid the students to understand numbers and their subdivisions. Students can assess the time taken to solve the problems and get their hands on crucial mathematical topics. 

The concepts and topics that our LKG maths worksheets cover are given below:

YearLesson numberLesson nameDomainLesson content
R26Long and ShortShapes, Space and MeasuresCompare and order which is longer or shorter using everyday language. Use comparative language: big, small, short, tall, tallest, longest, shortest.
R27PatternsShapes, Space and MeasuresCopy, continue and create patterns. Identify colors. Match objects to color names.
R28Number LinesNumbersCount to 10. Read number words to ten. Connect counting to cardinality. Sequence numbers, counting forward and backward. Count to answer”How many?” questions. Subitise small groups of objects in different formalities.
R29Heavy and LightShapes, Space and MeasuresCompare and order which is heavier or lighter using everyday language. Use comparative language: big, small, heavy, light, heavier, lighter.
R30Adding to 6NumbersConnect counting to addition. Model addition with objects. Write equations for addends to 6. Subitise small groups of objects in different formations.
R31Counting to 10NumbersSequence numbers, counting forward and backward. Estimate the category of items in a group. Compare groups of objects. Use comparative language: more, less, the same. Count to answer”How many?” questions. Find pairs of numbers that make 10.
R32Add to 7NumbersConnect counting to addition. Model addition with objects. Write equations for addends to 7. Subitise small groups of objects in different formations.
R33Number Words to 10NumbersRead the words: zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine and ten.
R34Add to 10NumbersConnect counting to addition. Model addition with objects. Write equations for addends to 10. Find pairs of numbers that make 10. Subitise small groups of objects in different formations.
R35The Cube & SphereShapes, Space and MeasuresName cubes and spheres in the environment. Match and sort cubes and spheres. Identify objects that can be stacked and those that roll.
R36Adding to 10NumbersConnect counting to addition. Model addition with objects. Write equations for addends to 10. Find pairs of numbers that make 10.
R37Patterns 2Shapes, Space and MeasuresCopy, continue and create patterns.
R38CapacityShapes, Space and MeasuresUse comparisons to decide which holds more or less. Use comparative language: full, empty, big, small, short, tall.
R39TimeShapes, Space and MeasuresCompare and order events using the everyday language of the time.
R40Add to 10 on a Number LineNumbersConnect counting to addition. Add on a number line. Model addition with objects. Write equations for addends to 10. Find pairs of numbers that make 10.
R41Numbers 11 & 12NumbersConnect days of the week to familiar events and actions.
R42Days of the WeekShapes, Space and MeasuresCount to 15. Know, read and write the numerals 13, 14,15. Read number words to fifteen. Represent a number of objects with a written number. Compare numbers. Connect counting to cardinality.
R43Numbers 13, 14 & 15NumbersName cones and cylinders in the environment. Match and sort cones and cylinders. Name cones and cylinders in different sizes.
R44The Cone & CylinderShapes, Space and MeasuresCount to 17. Know, read and write the numerals 16 & 17. Read number words to seventeen. Represent a number of objects with a written number. Compose and decompose the numbers 12, 14, 16 and 19 into tens and ones. Compare groups of objects. Use comparative language: more, less, the same.
R45Numbers 16 & 17NumbersCount to 20. Read number words to twenty. Sequence numbers, counting forward and backward. Count to answer “How many?” questions. Connect counting to addition. Model addition for addends to 10.
R46Numbers 18, 19 & 20NumbersCount to 20. Know, read and write numbers to 20. Read number words to twenty. Represent a number of objects with a written number. Compose and decompose the numbers 11, 12, 13, 15 into tens and ones. Compare groups of objects. Use comparative language: more, less, the same.
R47Number Lines to 20NumbersCount to 20. Read number words to twenty.
R48Number Words 11-20NumbersConnect counting to addition. Model addition. Write equations for addends to 10. Find pairs of numbers that make 10. Subitise small groups of objects in different formations.
R49Doubles to Double 5NumbersCount to 20. Know, read and write numbers to 20. . Compose and decompose teen numbers into tens and ones. Use comparative language: smaller, larger, Sequence numbers, count forward and backward.
R50Revision 0-20NumbersCount to 20. Know, read and write numbers to 20. . Compose and decompose teen numbers into tens and ones. Use comparative language: smaller, larger, Sequence numbers, count forward and backward.


Worksheet For LKG Class Lesson 26 Long and short  


Worksheet For LKG Class Lesson 49 Counting Doubles

Children can practice and ace in the topics by simply downloading and the PDF format and giving regular time to maths practice. To know more about the Reading Eggs programme, click here! Sign up today for a 14-day free trial.

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