Reading skills Worksheets that can improve your English

Reading Skills & Worksheets that can improve your English

Well, a simple distinction between the two is that reading comes before speaking. Reading contributes to effective speaking skills. While taking up any summer reading skills programme, the trainers focus on developing fluency and gradually shifting to enhancing the responsiveness in terms of speaking skills. Parents and teachers also primarily focus on developing reading skills in English. Worksheets are significant in reinforcing reading and comprehension skills in a child. Reading Eggs with Ratna Sagar has a wide collection of lessons and worksheets to inculcate the skills which consist of cause and effect, vocabulary, identifying main ideas, contexts, and multiple interpretations. These are printable worksheets which can be downloaded easily in PDF format. Worksheets are core to developing fast reading skills and finding creative solutions to problems. The worksheets prepare the child for higher grades and contribute to reading to improve English speaking. 


Reading Eggs with Ratna Sagar – Maps and Lessons

Stepping Stones Reading 

Maps 1 to 4 – Starting Out in The Zoo


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Maps 1 to 4 – Starting Out in The Zoo

Step 1 – Starting Out in the Zoo is aimed at 3-6-year-olds who have little or no reading skills. This is where all children can begin to learn to read. By completing the 40 lessons in the Starting Out set, children will learn their first reading skills. This includes learning the sounds and names of letters, and reading their first sight words, such as the, I, and, is, and see. They will also learn the essential phonic skills needed to read three-letter words such as cat, fan, and Sam. Children will then be able to read their first simple stories featuring Sam the Ant.


Maps 5 to 8 – Beginning to Read in The Playground

Maps 5 to 8 – Beginning to Read in The Playground

Step 2 – Beginning to Read in the Playground – builds on skills learned in Step 1 with a focus on short vowel words such as cat, dog, ten, fish, and duck and on building reading skills. Children will learn many more high-frequency sight words, build word families and read another 40 books. Some of these books will be nonfiction titles with a focus on building vocabulary in these areas – numbers, facial features, and animals as pets.


Maps 9 to 12 – Building Confidence at The Theme Park

Maps 9 to 12 – Building Confidence at The Theme Park

Step 3 – Building Confidence at the Theme Park – covers long vowel words such as cake, kite, rain, cook, seat, and cute. These new phonic patterns are introduced and reinforced so that children can read them fluently and spell them correctly. There is an increased focus on reading for meaning, comprehension, and understanding of longer words and sentences. Children read 40 new longer books. Some of these books will be nonfiction titles with a focus on building vocabulary in a variety of key areas.


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Stepping Stones Reading

The Stepping Stones Reading lessons are the core of the Reading Eggs learn-to-read programme. Each lesson builds on the previous one to build skills in the five key areas needed to become a good reader: phonemic awareness and phonics, sight words, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension.

The lessons are presented in three broad levels with 40 lessons on each level.

Level 1 Starting Out for absolute beginners, lessons 1-40.

Level 2 Beginning to Read for emerging readers, lessons 41-80.

Level 3 Building confidence for early readers, lessons 81-120.


Reading Skills Worksheets For Kids

Grow your Reading skills with worksheets: Download for free in PDF format Grow your Reading skills with worksheets: Download for free in PDF format

Use the Reading Eggs reading comprehension worksheets which are available for free and are printable. They can be easily used at home and in the classroom. Try the Reading Eggs homeschool model by signing up for the 14-day free trial. Reading Eggs is a platform that promises continual learning and encourages children to build skills and confidence in real life. To avail yourself of the information on valuable strategies for improving the reading comprehension of your child. 

The programme helps the children to engage in the skills of reading, understanding, and analysing the information to search for the right answer with the power of reasoning. The child explores new adventures with the maps and lessons designed creatively. They create a world of their own, earn rewards and work continuously to make their world better by acquiring the required skills. As a parent or teacher, register today to get exciting offers on Reading Eggs’ annual subscription from here!

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